Thursday, July 7, 2022

On The Way To Pioneer Village

 We had to get to Nebraska. Why? Well, I like Nebraska for one thing. It is sort of on the way since we are going to Winona Minnesota, and it is where the Harold Warp Pioneer village is, and it looked like an easy ride.

Leaving out from our lodging at Lamar Colorado and connecting with 385 it was north bound through the grid roads of eastern Colorado, with a right turn into Kansas at highway 36.

This is pretty sparse dry country. Wheat is grown out here and once in Kansas there were fields of some corn that was not knee high by 4 of July. In this dry country, even the cows were tired of the place, and were standing together at the fence line, hoping the ride to the meat case came by soon.

After that right turn into Kansas one of the first things you notice is that this is Christian Taliban territory. Billboards of a very white jesus dot the forsaken landscape.

A Very White jesus

In the tree covered forests of the west coast Big Foot wants you to believe.

Big Foot Believe 

And jesus wants your trust. Big Foot and Jesus should team up. Jesus also likes to hide in the wheat. That cannot be good for the yield.

Another Very White & Very Short Jesus

 The Christian Taliban has also placed  numerous billboards in support of Prop. 2

The christian taliban in action

This proposition would overturn the Kansas Supreme Court's decision of 2019 that made abortion a “Fundamental Right”. I just hope we can get out of this place before the Kansas Taliban rules women can no longer operate motor vehicles.

The road we needed to take to Nebraska out of Kansas highway 183, had a detour. I thought I had met the detour requirements, but after a 20 or so mile run down a road that took us within 6 miles where we needed to be, we discovered that the road was indeed closed, and had to turn back, and it was still 103 degrees. 

I could feel the Taliban breathing down my neck so on the return to the official “DETOUR’ I stepped OHMS up to about 90 mph. Let me tell you that in the 103 heat, running 90 felt cool. OHMS even quit fanning herself and was chomping at the bit for more throttle.

Go This Way Please

Once reaching the official DETOUR it must have taken us another 40 miles out of our way, and the temperature varied from 104 to 99.5. I had drank so much electrolyte that by the time we turned north to Nebraska I was fine. I could have taken another 100-mile wrong turn and would have been okay.

This time OHMS took us right to our lodging in Kearney  Nebraska.

Food was a ½ mile away, over an overpass over I-80. Kearney ,  has Uber and we got Trixie going in, and a smoker going back. Tips were adjusted according, and the food at Cunningham's Journal On The Lake  was excellent.

Our hotel for two nights has a pool. The pool is full of water, and so is the hot tub. We enjoyed both bodies of water, and we had both to ourselves. 

The big reason to travel to Kearney  is the Harold Warp Pioneer Village,  Located just down the road in Minden Nebraska 

The Village

The village is the landing spot for just about everything you can imagine. From hundreds of cars, trucks, farm equipment, tools, airplanes, trains, musical instruments, and be forewarned two accordions.

We spent hours there taking in as much as we could. We probably did not see everything, but they do have a RV Park, and this could be a spot to stay when I come back in the early spring to see the Sandhill Cranes,  that stop here on the Platt River on their way, to wherever Sandhill Crane's go for the summer.

Yes The Even Have Burma Shave Signs
















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