Tuesday, July 5, 2022

I Love 64


Well, it has been a interesting few days. I have always loved New Mexico. The people are always super nice. The food is good, especially if the person you are travelling with has relatives, and she loads you up with probably the best bean burritos on the planet. But on this trip, I fell in totally in love with New Mexico highway 64.

We picked up 64 right at the Arizona border after a loop through Monument Valley, and a photo at Mexican Hat for a motor company trinket.

Fantastic Scenery, And Paved Pullouts

Right away near Ship Rock I started to pick up some much needed and excellent public radio KSJC  Located in Farmington 

KSJE had some news and since it was Sunday, they were playing some classic music. Who knew that Janis singing Summertime could sound so good on OHM’S

We held on to that station until climbing up to Dulce where the signal was lost. Dulce is just a little town in the Navaho Reservation. We needed fuel and stopped at the only place in town. Masks for covid were still required, and of course we complied, as most of the other customers did.

After Dulce highway 64 starts to climb up to Brazos Summit.

Riding this pass  is not only the best road of this trip but maybe the best ride ever. The road winds around curves, and fenced cows and climbs to 10,528 The view was spectacular, and it was 60 some degrees. Riding in the desert heat in a couple of days I remembered that cool air.

Descending into Taos the air warmed to a crisp 99  degrees as we passed some very interesting organic looking  housing  our way into Taos. The development is called  Earth Ship 

Pulling into Taos we encountered a traffic jam, and road construction all though the important part of town. Must be those darn corporate dems again  and that infrastructure replacement bill. 

OHMS GPS took  us almost to the hotel; she was just few feet , and a wrong street off.

Our hotel was pretty nice. The room was big enough. They had a pool and after riding all day, and after missing out on the closed pool back in Kanab because of a lightning strike was possible somewhere on the planet,  I was really looking forward to a hot tub and a swim. But this place upped the closed for lightning strikes, by placing their pool inside and then draining it.

Once again, our lodging offered no Breakfast, but the attached Peets coffee shop sold breakfast burritos, but didn’t sell bags of ground Peets coffee, even though they had some on the shelf. Maybe lightning strikes somewhere on the planet kept us from replenishing our koffee supply's. The barista was more than happy to give me a cup with some 1/2 and 1/2 for my morning koffee. I gave her a tip

Since we had walked to the closed Italian restaurant last evening and settled for some hot case chicken from the local Albertsons, we had also picked up some microwaveable stuff for breakfast, that turned out to be okay. 

Adding to interesting things in Taos and on this trip, the local Albertsons is not connected to Albertsons Safeway but does have Safeway products on the shelfs. But your Safeway card is not recognized.

After being disappointed finding the restaurant closed last evening, we discovered that the portable computers we have been carrying around and using for navigation and googling information like how  many holes it takes to fill the Alberts hall,  that these devices have the ability to actually call a  restaurant  and see if the business is open. These devices are still silent on the question " Why are there cattle guards across the road in open range land?"


Thanks For Reading

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