Friday, August 13, 2021

Game Crossing


It’s all big roads now on this run through Utah and Idaho. All our red roads have merged into I 84 and I 86. Resting for the evening in Mountain Home we discover that the pool is better than most hotel pools, and I have it all to myself. We both enjoy the hot tub while our dirty cloths   dance in the hotel’s washer and dryer. Just insert quarters, soap, and spin….

In The Running For Best Motel Pool Of The Trip

You see a lot of road signs riding a motor bike across the country, and some of them make you wonder. “Sanitary Land Fill” Is it cleaner than just the dumps? “Heavy Pedestrian Crossing” is there a crossing for svelte pedestrians? “Detour” we have seen that one a lot and gone on some extended grid roads trips because of it. “Watch for Rock” Falling Rock” pretty simple, but todays sign that I keep seeing in this part of the high desert is “Game Crossing” and the only thing I can think of is…

No Chess Or Checkers

I never saw Clue or a wild animal but I’m liking highway 20 through Oregon, in spite of the sky being obscured by smoke from fires that I understand are to the south of us in the Klamath National Forest.

Brothers turns out to be a place to make a couple of interesting photos, and as we near Bend we are discovering that the weather report that reported rain in Bend is indeed true.

Once The Center Of Town

Having suited up in rain gear so many times on this trip, it is no longer a struggle to gear  up, and soon we are west bound in a steady rain, enjoying the smells of the wet high desert.

The motor company outpost in Bend proves elusive to find, but it eventually appears on the right exactly where the GPS said it was, hidden down a alley, and with all signage removed for building painting.

Dealers Special Of The Day

Since we have made service appointment over at Timber Town our stay at the outpost is brief and soon enough we are back westbound in the rain, that lets up not to far out of town.

Highway 20 turns into 122, and then 22 as we journey up Santiam Pass, and once again encounter the effects of a major fire from last year, that destroyed over 1,500 structures including the entire city of Detroit.

Clean up from the fire is ongoing. Something like 150,000 hazard trees need to be removed, and soon we meet up with a long line of traffic flagged to a stop as work is being done right along the road. At another stop we wait for quite a while as heavy equipment reduce damaged trees to wood chips, and stack useable logs in roadside landings.  I wonder if these chips will be hauled to the pulp mills and be  utilized for pulp?

Nothing much is left of the town of Detroit, but business have set up in tents and travel trailers. We should have stopped and used one of the outhouses, but they looked non to desirable.  Finally at a turnout for Detroit dam there is a outhouse structure, parking, and a parked car, with all the windows and sunroof open, and  crows have discovered a bag of Cheetos sitting on the front seat.

Just Popping Out The Sunroof With A Treat

Crow is not shy about entering the car, getting a beak full of Cheeto, and flying off to show the vultures and other crows its trophy.

Fire Burned Right Up The Hill

As we near Salem we finally run out of the burn, and our two lane road turns into a freeway that isn’t to crowded. We find our way to our lodging that is located by a Costco's and car lots. We have to ride to find something to eat, and discover the local chain  Mc Grath's Fish House

We enjoy a nice dinner then go look for the motor company outpost where we will be paying the electric bill tomorrow.





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