Monday, August 9, 2021

A Dilemma

 We decided weeks ago that we didn’t want to ride across Nevada again on Highway 50, “The Loneliest Road” or run Interstate 80 so now in Steamboat springs we are facing a major dilemma. How to get to the coast?

Nevada's Highway 50

We also faced the dilemma of finding something to eat in Steamboat, as most of the restaurants didn’t look to appealing. We finally settled on a pub up at one of the ski resorts.

 All the buildings at the ski resort look the same so this didn’t make finding the place any easier, but I knew we had arrived when the GPS said turn down a steep hill, and there was a fellow under a tent selling parking spots for $10.00. We parked on the street, for free, on a hill and had someone in a SUV somehow park in front of me, blocking me in. It took both of us pushing Ohms backwards to get pointed out of there.   The food we did find, turned out to be mediocre at best and then in the morning on the way out of town we discovered that the entire town laid west of where we are. We literally missed the real town of Steamboat.

What was interesting about the ski resort is that you can take your mountain bike up the lift and ride it down. I might have done that, but my mountain bike was at home. What we were going to do after eating was do the Luge that was right in front of us. It apparently has brakes, so you can somewhat control your careening speed, and no one died while we watched from the comfort of the après ski lounge. We were walking over to the ticket booth when the dark cloud that had been coming over the mountain, arrived with a clap of thunder and it began get this rain…

Luge For Beginners

We waited under some picnic umbrellas, and when the rain slowed down, we went back to the bikes, and left the ski resort in our rear-view mirrors.

West bound on highway 40 and heading to the town of dinosaur I was thinking that dinosaur might be just about the perfect place for our forever congressman donyoung to retire.

Alaska's Esteemed Congressman donyoung

And when I saw the town, I realized it probably didn’t have room for any more fossils, and besides don will be just an effective legislator when he is dead as he is now.

We had to cross into Utah, for the first time this ride, and into a not very interesting part of the state. Through Jensen and then north out of Vernal.

Vernal Utah

Trying to plan ahead for bike service we stopped behind the dinosaur to call the motor company outpost in Bend Oregon, only to find out that they did not have a tire in stock, and  couldn’t get both bikes in for service. We did find out that Bend wasn’t on fire and that we could cross Oregon on highway 20.

Highway 191 led us out of Vernal past some huge mines that looked familiar, and we determined that we had gone south on this very road, on another trip. Crossing into Wyoming again and going through the steep switchbacks we stopped to look down at Flaming Gorge Lake.

Flaming Gorge

Being down there on the water looked like a better idea than standing up on this hill in the 90-degree heat, so down we went to meet up with our old nemesis Interstate 80…


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