Monday, August 16, 2021

Paying The Electric Bill


Our lodging in Salem is at one of the chains we have utilized for most of this trip. The room is clean and large, and from our second floor perch we can see the bikes parked under the spacious awning, where earlier a maintenance crew was using a tall ladder and an air compressor to blow off the dust and cob webs that accumulated under the awnings ceiling. This is a first-rate place.

Custom Furniture In Our Room Exceeds Our Expectations 

Also, part of the operation is  a Denny's,  that the desk gives us coupons for breakfast. I was thinking of taking my compadre over to Costco for a breakfast of scraps, as she usually enjoys that, but they probably wouldn’t be open when we leave.

We settle on Denny’s and decide to blow off the coupons that only allowed for an egg and toast, and order large off the menu.

Is The Food Better Than The Pictures?

I order a Denver omelet with real eggs that  I’m thinking  came from Colorado,  but our server is unable to authenticate the origins of Denny’s eggs, and might not even know that a chicken should have been involved in the eggs that I now await. My compadre disappointed that Costco scraps are not on the menu, and  orders something with pancakes and slam in the name.

Wonders Where Denny's Eggs Come From Too

Since we have some time before timber town opens, and my sister has sent me the address of the house my ancestors lived in around 1900, I program the address into Ohms and away we go across the river to a older part of Salem. I miss a couple of turns as usual, but Ohms “Recalculates” and soon we arrive at the address, and maybe the house my ancestors occupied.

Could This Be The Place?

They must have added on, but I can just imagine my relatives standing on the corner waiting for the whale oil signal to turn green so they could get safety across the busy intersection.

We arrive at the motor company outpost early, and have an enjoyable time chatting up, a fellow from the coast who is also planning on having a motor company service experience.

We both need our hair “styled” and conveniently located around the corner from the outpost is our favorite Salon “ La Great Clips”  Our styling complete and while figuring out how to summon a Uber we discover in the same mall Maravilla’s Bakery and their entire wall of pastry.

 Maravilla’s Incredible Wall Of Pastry

Everything looks so good, and its tough to make a selection, so we decide on several to share, and some brewed coffee that turned out to be tepid warm, but the pastries and resulting sugar high made up for what the coffee lacked.

High on sugar we waited while our Uber driver tried to figure out how to get into the parking lot to pick us up. Apparently his gps led him to the other side of the mall to a industrial complex. Sure, glad I never have that issue on Ohms.

Riding along towards downtown Salem our driver points things out as we rattle over the rough streets. He goes on to say that “They” are doing a lot of road construction this year. His comment makes me wonder shouldn’t he have said “We” are doing a lot of road construction this year, but the amerikan condition has removed the connection to the collective Us. Oh well I should have asked him what size gun he carries., but maybe “They” took it away as “They” have been planning that for quite some time.

At the riverfront park we discover that the carousel we had planned on riding is closed today. “They” must have found out we were coming.

Maybe We Should Come Back Tomorrow!

Disappointed that the carousel is shuttered we make up for it by enjoying walking in the park along the river. The bridge is quite spectacular, and so is the world.

Wild Lands At Salem's Willamette Riverfront Park

And just like a real city on the water, the park even has a paddle wheel dinner cruise boat tied up at the dock but shuttered along with the carousel.

The north west is under a “High Heat Warning” from the weather service and today lives up to this warning as temperatures are in the high 80’s. Since the children at the water fountain are not allowing any adults into the spray. we wander downtown and enjoy some refreshment at a café recommended by our Uber operator.

In Spite Of The Tiny Humans This Looked Like The Best Place To Be

We wait in the shadow of the golden pioneer for our return who Uber I have to help navigate to the motor company outpost. Her car also has some viscous bugs enjoying the ride near my seat. I hope are just  fleas,  cuz at least one helps itself to my blood down near my ankle, and leaves some impressive welts. 

Oregon's Pioneer The Inventor Of Ax Throwing

Back at the outpost the price for the bikes spa day has risen along with the temperature, but we gladly pay for their electricity and dinner,  as even the crummy wash was worth the price, of having your rear tire report 90 lbs. as you scoot along I- 5 southbound for Springfield.




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