Friday, April 12, 2013


Got back to the north aboot a week ago. I left California just as spring was turning the golden hills of the Bay Area very green.

Last week as I drove my car to koffee it was so dusty from the tons of dirt spread on the roads all winter, that visibility was almost IFR (instrument fright rules)
All that dust caused my air intake systems to rebel. My nose was stuffy, my throat was sore, my eyes were red and very scratchy.

Being pure of heart mostly I knew the sweepers would be out in a day or two, picking up all that dirt. I knew we would be riding in just a few days.

That did not happen. Low pressure systems similar to summer low pressure systems that make rain moved in and made snow. Wet snow. It snowed for days. 24 inches maybe, and all the while you could see the glow of the sun through the clouds.
It’s snowing, its cold, but it’s not winter anymore. The sun has returned. 
Politically the regressive greedy republicans are turning our state into a resource export colony owned by huge corporations, we should all be glad they let us live here, as we race to the bottom...

They might get our oil, our fish, and turn this place into a barren wasteland, but they can not get our sense of humor...

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