Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Humidité 88%

88 % Humidity

 They like to have these Women On Wheels rallies where it is hot. The one last year in Texas the temperatures were triple triple digit plus. This years 24 annual rally here in Stratton Vermont is taking place under a high pressure system that won't budge from the north east. The NOAA forecast for here on Wednesday calls for temperatures in the 80's with the humidity also in the high 80's. Interesting thing about this weather formation is the threat of thunder storms is low, because the upper air is warm also.  I have to keep a face towel handy while writing in this air condition room, just to keep my computer from shorting out from beads of perspiration dropping on the keyboard.

So far the second best thing about this rally is I got to give my bike a road wash. The bugs on the heat shields they might never come off ?  

This is a very elegant place the Stratton Mountain Resort. It is huge! We have our own coat of arms on our door...And dancing white tail deer on the chandelier...

 The WOW opening ceremony's were very grand. Held outside under a huge tent. Lots of food and drink. No smoke was used for the praying part. I  just hope they prayed  for all deer to be this big. Maybe smaller those horns could still poke a hole in your tire.
Science and Reason check it out

No more stone age.

This is our pal Silvia. I got her little rascal scooter going today.  That is the best thing of this rally so far...  
 Ben and Jerry's Ice cream  factory tour  run tomorrow. West after that.   

1 comment:

  1. So I have this image of you standing on a chair taking a picture of the chandlier...
