Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Let’s Get Boeing


Covid is over in the Anchorage Airport, not even the bronze replica of our “Un Convicted” felonious former senator was wearing a mask.

Alaska's Saint stevens

 Without the covid restrictions The TSA was at the top of their game pulling my handbag out of the scanner for some higher-level scrutiny. Obviosity I look like I might be carrying one too many packages of sudafed. I fared better at the TSA theater than my traveling compadre who for some reason her pre check didn’t get printed on her ticket, and she was forced to either go through the line with the beltless, shoeless masses, or return to the ticket counter and get another boarding pass. She returned to the counter and got a proper boarding pass.

We had some time to kill before boarding and I spent it in the Ak Air high zoot lounge. I had my mind set on a sludge cup and after mastering the Hills Brothers automatic espresso machine, I had 4 shots in my cup. To my utter astoundment the brewed coffee carafe was empty, and I was forced to ask for some brewed coffee.  Is this yet another example of Ak Air’s decline? Oh well at lest the drivers and cabin wait staff showed up, but then allowed the masses to put their hand carries into the high-class overhead. Guess they are not on the clock anyway so who cares?

We pulled out of the gate just slightly late, but the drivers were on it, making the turn onto 33, and accelerating to lift off speed as we made the turn. It was almost as exciting as the olden days when the drivers would really take the turn fast and then floor it. These fellows did okay but then they probably have to take a breathalyzer test daily.

Floor It

In spite of the 737 max planes getting off to a rough start, Alaska bought several of them and I was riding in one this morning. I wasn’t worried, I’m sure Alaska bought the ones with the enhanced safety features, and driver training.

As we took off to the north and turned south over Kink Glacier I looked up and wondered just what kind of life vest could drop out of the little slot in the ceiling.  

There Is A Life Vest In There. Really

Since I never had to use the one that was supposedly under the seat, on the older sky carriages, I wasn’t too worried about what ever kind of vest could fit through the slot in the ceiling.

The flight was smooth and the drinks free, but I only had club soda, as I had serious business in Seattle.

Boeing Field







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