Monday, June 27, 2022

Cars Campers & Kayaks

1:14 PM (26 minutes ago)

I stole out of the city early and luckily, I had made my own weather observation and put on another layer and was glad I did because as soon as I crested the hill, I could see it was foggy. On the road   listening to the radio, I learned from the announcer, a NPR announcer,  who could spell meteorologist, that fog was not just fog any more but was a "Marine Layer,” and the "Marine Layer" was cooling things off. And after days of triple digit temperatures, it felt fantastic.
Under The Golden Gate Bridge

Using OHMS electronics, I mapped out our route last night, and as it is supposed to it loaded right into the GPS,  did some calculating, and we were off in no time

 Eastbound out of the city is familiar territory for me, but I still needed the GPS to do detours and take me through downtown Hayward. 

What I discovered when I started pushing buttons to get back on the triple digit highway was OHMS GPS was still set on "Scenic" and apparently downtown Hayward qualifies as scenic. Who knew?

Scenic Downtown Hayward

No worries as traffic was lite as I had hoped, and it was not long before the triple digit highway was just regular old I 80.

 I stopped for fuel in Fairfield. 87 Octane was  $6.25 for a gallon. The washrooms were clean, and the resident bums were mostly still sleeping on the sidewalk surrounding the gas station.

 Further east around Sacramento I 80 turned to the north and I picked up either the beginning or the end of the Lincoln Highway. Highway 50.

 Lots of construction on this part of the road. I guess this route is way more popular than it ever used to be, but it was still early, and traffic was light, and you cannot ask for much more than that when leaving the City.

Lets Rebuilt It

Its not until after Placerville that the road turns into just a two lane. I was surprised to see the old Pacific House Roadhouse still standing, and how about that a proper turnoff for Icehouse road, location for many camping trips way back when.

Old Pacific House Roadhouse

The climb over Echo Summit was a nice ride. Conveyer belts of Cars Campers & Kayaks were west bound but practically no one was east bound, like me, except for a lone Steller Jay that swooped out of the sky and landed on the road ahead of me. I swerved, he flew off, but I should have had a almond for him.

A Regular Guest For Lunch

None of the old roadhouses were open at Kyburz, or Strawberry, and the aftermath of last years Candor Fire were all around. Clean up was ongoing and I counted 4 old stone chimneys that were all that remained of the log cabins they were once  attached to.

Last Years Candor Fire

I crested the summit, spotted the lake, and knew that a resort hot tub was in my future.





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