Friday, June 17, 2022

Camper Vaning


Since I was pretty sure I was going to end up being a Camper Van owner we brought two large suitcases each. They were stuffed with sleeping bags, a small frying, and saucepan. Ancient cutlery from camping gear last used in the 80’s. Of course, a jet boil, koffee, and ceramic cups to enjoy sipping our java.

On our first night at Dash Point right on Puget Sound we discovered that with the suitcases I packed the gear in, there was not enough room for us to make up the beds.

Puget Sound 

Moving all the cases to the driver seat was the solution, and that proved to be the first of several learning experiences. The most dramatic learning experience was when my traveling compadre discovered that it was not a good idea to open the valves to the black and gray water tanks, without first having the drain hose attached.

Other learning curves where the Washington State Park reservation web site was difficult to navigate through, and the National Park Service reservation web site, contained several secret reserved sites, which were actually open on a first come first served basis. I was already aware that my senior pass would get me into any National Park for free, but I found out that camping with the senior pass got the site for half off the posted price.

We used the senior privilege at Sol Duc and found an excellent first come pull through level parking spot, and were able to enjoy the hot springs, for a fee that was less than their towel rental.

The View Out My Bedroom Window At Sol-Duc

The senior pass also affords the same privileges at any Bureau of Reclamation sites, and I got to use it at Spring Canyon on Roosevelt Lake. The site was not as level, but we got to drain the black and gray water tanks for free, and no mishaps this time.

My traveling compadre had never been to Victoria's Butchart Gardens, and since the rumor was that Canada was open for tourism, we headed to the border. We even had loaded all our information into the Arrive CAN app. And even had a QR code to present to the border agent.

The Code No One Wanted To See

The border agent was not interested in my QR code. He took our passports, and Covid vaccination records, he fussed around on his computer, looked at my temporary plate and told me it expires that same day, he  asked the obligatory question of every amerikan, “do you have any guns.”   He asked if we were driving home and wished us well. I was so disappointed that I did not get to show my QR code, I forgot to ask for a passport stamp.

I knew that one of the buttons on the steering wheel would switch the digital speedometer to kilometers, but as soon as we crossed the border it started to rain, and then rain harder, so finding the one to activate the wipers was more important.

We also lost Google Car Play navigation crossing the border, fortunately my traveling compadre found the phone switch for “International Roaming,” and we were soon internationally googling away.

Lots Of Traffic For Victoria

Our accommodations in Victoria were at the Salish Seaside R-V Haven and I think they gave us the primo spot right above the bay facing the city. It was the first time we had “Full Hookups” that even included cable tv if you brought your cable box. I haven't had a cable box for years, but I did  pick up local  digital tv signals, and ended up streaming a movie using the Havens Wi-Fi. 

We Monitored Air And Ship Traffic Right From Our Camp

It was about a mile to town from our camp. We could have walked but decided to take the water taxi.

Water Taxies Were Frequent To Our West Bay Campsite

The Butchart gardens were as spectacular as I remembered, and Victoria every bit as elegant.

Just One Of The Flowers In  Butchart Gardens

In fact, it was fantastic to be in Canada again especially since the people were friendly, sort of like how Alaskans used to be. Not every shit head has a gun, and there had not been a mass “Active” shooter since, 2020 in Nova Scotia.

We chose the Ferry Coho to return to amerika. It is a older ship, built in 1959. It burns diesel but it still reminded me of Lake Michigan’s Badger, which was built in 53, but burns coal.

Ferry Coho Leaving Victory Harbor

It was a flat water crossing to Port Angeles the old ferry making good wake. Unloading and going through our second amerikan customs interview of the day I really did not think I needed to be any more specific when asked where I was going, I replied Washington. I did not mean to, but I did lie when the agent asked about having eggs, well chicken eggs anyway. He should have been more specific, and we ate them the next morning anyway…





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