Wednesday, January 12, 2022

All Pumped Up

 I uncovered Ohms the other day with the intent of going for a spin. I was happy when she started right up, but I actually never had any doubts, about starting right up. I just about had my hemit on when I noticed that Ohms was signaling me that she was very unhappy about low tire pressure, specifically the front tire.

Other bikes I have owned never complained about tire pressure, even though it is extremely important, but then other bikes were not Ohms, with a tire pressure monitoring system, and angled valve stems that point to the “High Side”

My options for filling a tire here are limited to I discovered a hand pump that was used to adjust the air suspension of a bike long past.

This Might Not Work So Good On A Tire

That pump I figured would not work very well.

Last summer when I needed air and tried to use one of those gas station pay for air stations, it ended up costing me $2.00 and my tire lost air pressure. Fortunately, my traveling compadre remembered that she had in the bottom of a saddle bag a compressor that you could attach to your tire, plug into your cigarette lighter, and it a little while be all aired up. It worked remarkably well, and soon we were back on the road.

I would use that now; except she isn’t here, and he pump isn't either.  Maybe I should get one of those pumps since Ohms is so fussy, I thought.

A quick online search revealed that the motor company just so happens to make a 12-volt battery powered tire pump, and further checking showed that the outpost in The City just so happened to have one. Just to be sure I called the outpost and sure enough the parts man not only had one but set it aside for me.

Now the San Francisco outpost is no longer in South City where I have gone many times, but all the way in the City, somewhere off Market street near Bernal Heights. If I was going to ride there it would be a full-on navigation extravaganza with the GPS, and my phone communicating to Ohms GPS, and the GPS communicating to me, and me avoiding traffic, splitting lanes, going the wrong way, and finally arriving. Fortunately, I have a car, with a full tank of Ethyl a key, and a driver that knows her way around The City. We even had a option to take along the Family Lead Dog. 

Lead The Way

We elected to leave the dog behind, and  drove right to the place. It was easy to find, Perhaps easier than getting to south city off highway 101, and we even found parking.

What stands out about San Francisco h-d is that in the midst of an escalating new version of covid, not one employee was wearing a mask. Even the two young men ahead of me at the parts counter were masked either

I kept my mask on dealing with the unmasked immune from covid parts guy, who actually did set the pump out for me, and now I have my very own 12-volt official motor company tire pump, that even has an LSD lamp right on top of it that makes seeing the gauge almost impossible.






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