Friday, September 10, 2021

Fright Home


 Getting to SFO early was no problem for me as certainly by now the Alaska Lounge construction would be complete and the much-anticipated lounge would be open for business.

Alaska Lounge Still Under Wraps

That was not the case. The lounge was still not open and wouldn’t open for another two weeks. If flying was fun, I would almost book a flight to San Francisco just to see the lounge, but I will just have to catch it next time.

Waiting in the terminal isn’t bad in San Francisco. The space is large, has good coffee, and the gate agent was able to change my seat from row 1 to row 3 all the way home!

It’s a short ride to Seattle but starting off there was no fresh mountain spring water waiting for me at my seat. Cruising along my fruit and cheese tray even though it was tastily arraigned on Alaska Air’s best China contained no Brie. I like the trays white cheddar better anyway, but was the attendant on a Brie and water diet?

In Seattle it was the old land at C terminal then shuffle over to N terminal using the underground train with no driver. No worries though as my connection was long enough to visit the new Lounge with jet engine lamps.

Proper Place To Wait For A Ride

The Seattle to Anchorage leg I opted for the chicken raviolis. They were by far the best airline food I have had in years, and now that they know I like them they will most likely be  discontinued by the next time I fly.

Alaska Airs Chicken Ravioli 

The fellow next to me struck up a conversation and so over a few cocktails the time passed quickly, and it was reassuring to know the fellow by the window wasn’t a white supremist, traveling to Alaska to protest mask wearing.

The flight was even peaceful. No fights broke out, and no one was arrested. At least none I know about, and it was good to get home after being away for three months.



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