Thursday, March 8, 2012

Woman's Day

The magazine the postman delivers once a month with recipes, and ideas on how to dress up your parlor. Why did it have a Google Doodle? I clicked on it and found that International Woman’s day celebrated on March 8 every year since the early 1900’s got it’s start as a Socialist Political Event.
Today it is all about celebrating women’s equality, empowerment, and education. What a grand idea.

 Lots of women here that voted for liza murk cow ski are feeling betrayed because of her recent vote against birth control.

What did you expect when you voted for her I asked one friend?

I expected her to stand up for women’s rights she said.

 You would expect liza to support reproductive rights, just because she is a woman, but defeating Obama is what matters to republicans, and being on the wrong side of major issues of the day is no problem for our liza.

Eleanor Roosevelt, a great woman, one I have admired and respected for many years…

 In numbers there is strength, and we in America must help the women of the world.

"My Day," October 22, 1946

WE have come so far since 1946, and yet thanks to  the regressive republican (taliban) party we are still fighting the same battles over birth control and abortion. Never give up!

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