Saturday, November 19, 2011

Shooting Raven

The other evening Peppermint and I attended a photography class. The focus of the class was taking better outdoor action shots. It just happened to be taught by Bicycles and Icicles
He gave me some great ideas aboot angles and moving the camera. I couldn’t wait to get out and try out with I picked up


Did I mention that winter arrived here a couple of weeks ago? It was fall one day and winter the next.
This last week winter dug in its heels and let us know it was here to stay. Temperatures dropped to the single digits and the north wind blew at 30-40 mph for two days, and now we are completely out of degrees, my thermometer reads –10.
It was a balmy –14 when I called Peppermint, and suggested we go shoot Raven on Saturday. With the temperature below zero I was sure she would tell me I was nucking futs, but she was excited.  Way cool, lets do it she said. We decided to meet at high noon on Saturday at the House of Tee Shirts  (House of Harley)
The House was abuzz with the regular Saturday crew.
I needed a grommet for my bike so I went downstairs to parts to see if they had one.
They did.
 The christians were downstairs too, setting up tables. People were lining up. They were packing in food and crosses. I was like sweet I might get to see a crucifixion.
But then I was like they might be crucifying a homo, and than would be me. I am so out of here. But then Birdie who was in line told me it was free real food on the christians. 
Peppermint and waited until the smell of frankensence, wafted up from downstairs, then we new it was safe to go eat the free food from the Christians….
Fingers and lenses don’t work real well in below zero, but that is no excuse to not be OUT!

Even if the Ocean is frozen.

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